Director's Corner - October 2018

Director's Corner

Every now and then, I find it really funny to offer ridiculous suggestions to Nate, our Maintenance Director. I'll put on the straightest face I can and propose something like flushing a bunch of steel wool down the toilets to clean the inside of the pipes. Of course, I tell him not to worry because I've solved the problem of the wool messing up our sewage pump: one of us (probably Nate) can just open the lid down there and catch the pieces of steel wool before they drop into the holding tank. 

Obviously, that idea is terrible. But sometimes other ideas aren't terrible - they just seem crazy at the time. I remember having a really casual conversation about how bad the lighting in the Rec Hall was, and speaking- I thought absurdly- about a dream of rewiring the whole building with new lights that had dimmer switches, allowing us to convert the space quickly from a bright game space into a warm, rustic worship space seamlessly. Fast forward to last Thursday when the Presbytery of Middle TN sat in our completely rewired, brightly lit Rec Hall for their meeting. A couple weekends ago we used the same space for our Fall Youth Retreat, transitioning from playing games with all the youth to worshipping in the same space because the lights are dimmable in zones. 





Sometimes those "crazy ideas" are only crazy because they seem impossible. What made the lights possible is someone hearing that crazy idea and saying "that sounds great, I'll pay for it." 

If you're not a member of the 1940 Club at NaCoMe, I'd like to encourage you to consider joining. This ministry is only possible because of our donors, both large and small. We need your help in taking some of these crazy ideas and making them a reality. 

-Ryan "Flash" Moore, Director

P.S. If you have any good ideas for me to pitch to Nate, let me know.