Director's Corner - August 2018

Director's Corner

At NaCoMe, we believe in the power of camp. I know, I know, that’s obvious. The fact that we believe is pretty straightforward, but I’d like to take just a moment to share about “why” we believe.

When I played little league baseball, I remember having a “lucky” pair of socks. I was pretty small, so I wore a regular "lucky" pair of socks under my knee (read: thigh) length socks to help my shoes fit better. Looking back, they weren’t all that lucky. We didn’t win every game, and I wasn’t a particularly good batter, or fielder... or player. Clearly this was a superstition. Just like weird health remedies or conspiracy theories, my “lucky” socks theory lacked a crucial element: data.


We believe in the power of camp not because it had tremendous impacts on my life and the lives of most of the staff at camp (it did), and not because we’ve watched one camper conquer fear on the zipline or make a new friend (we have), but because we have the data to show that it happens to nearly every camper. It’s not just anecdotal, single stories, it’s surveys from every camper that prove that camp is one of the most powerful experiences they can have. Click here to read what our campers said about their week of camp.

-Ryan "Flash" Moore, Director