Mission and Purpose

NaCoMe provides retreat for all ages to build community, connect with God and renew their spirit.

All are welcome and accepted. NaCoMe is a safe place spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We are supportive of the journey of faith. And we provide radical hospitality.
NaCoMe is the preferred place for renewal, healing, and vitality for authentic community.

The heart of NaCoMe’s mission is relationships. If you could only use one word, it would be relationships. There are many layers and types of relationships, but what we do is foundationally relational in nature. Whether it’s the church congregation building a stronger community, summer campers exploring their connection with God, or the college group disconnecting from technology for a weekend to renew spirits and learn more about themselves, we are impacting relationships. NaCoMe believes firmly in the power of relationships, and in the need for deeper, more empathetic relationships in the world. Our mission is to provide a place and programs that bring about those relationships.